Clay Aiken: Your nude pics deserved to be leaked

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Openly-gay North Carolina Congressional hopeful Clay Aiken spoke out this week regarding celebrity nude picture leaks.

Thursday, the former American Idol runner-up told the Washington Post that celebrities who have been victimised by a recent photo hacking scandal got what they deserved.

He said: “Anybody who takes inappropriate pictures of themselves deserve exactly what they get.”

Aiken did go on to say that those responsible for the photo hacking were heartless.

He said: “Of course whoever [stole and released the photos] should be hogtied. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have Internet security right now or the laws in place to protect people from pirating that stuff.”

Aiken found himself in a similar photo scandal in 2007 when a former lover provided the media with compromising pictures of the American Idol. The scandal ended with his forced outing. 

In February Aiken won the Democratic primary in North Carolina, securing the party’s nomination to run for Congress.

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