Stonewall names best universities for gay students

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Stonewall has named its Gay By Degree 2015 list, which assesses how gay-friendly universities are in the UK.

Ranking the UK’s 158 universities based on 10 criteria showing how well universities support their gay students, the the checklist includes whether the university has a policy to tackle homophobic bullying, whether there are societies and events for LGBT students, and what steps they take to support lesbian, gay and bisexual staff.

The only six UK universities to score full marks were: Cardiff University, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), Sheffield Hallam University, University of Essex, University of Glasgow and York St John University.

Last year 2014 only Cardiff University and LJMU scored full marks. A further 11 universities met nine out of the ten criteria.

Universities are only assessed against the availability of information on their main or student websites so that prospective students can make an informed decision.

The list has however in the past been criticised by some who have called for it to be assessed more stringently, rather than just using the online services of each university.

Ruth Hunt, Chief Executive said: “There are a record number of university places available this year and prospective students who are lesbian, gay or bisexual will want to study where they will be supported and developed. Particular congratulations are due to Cardiff University, University of Essex, University of Glasgow, Liverpool John Moores University, Sheffield Hallam University and York St John University for being the only universities in Britain to score full marks.

“It’s particularly concerning that only 35 universities are monitoring student’s sexual orientation leaving them no way of telling if they’re providing a positive experience for gay students. We hope that this year’s guide prompts universities to do more to make campuses a welcoming place for all students.”

Prospective students can search Gay By Degree to help inform their university options at


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