US: ‘Traditional marriage’ group funding campaigns to stop gay Republicans getting elected

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The National Organisation for Marriage is funding a campaign to block the election of the only openly gay Republican candidates – despite claiming to only oppose same-sex marriage.

NOM announced it has joined with Family Research Council Action and CitizenLink to fund a campaign against Californian Carl DeMaio and Richard Tisei of Massachusetts – the party’s only out congressional candidates this year.

The coalition is calling for Republican voters to shun support for the pair in the upcoming midterm elections, despite their selection as official candidates.

NOM president Brian Brown said: “It is extremely disappointing to see Republican leaders in Washington help push the election of candidates who reject the party’s principled positions on these and other core issues.

“We cannot sit by when people calling themselves Republicans seek high office while espousing positions that are antithetical to the overwhelming majority of Republicans.”

A letter from ‘the American people’ claims: “We cannot in good conscience urge our members and fellow citizens to support candidates like DeMaio, Tisei or [same-sex marriage advocate Monica] Wehby. They are wrong on critical, foundational issues of importance to the American people.

“Worse, as occupants of high office they will secure a platform in the media to advance their flawed ideology and serve as terrible role models for young people who will inevitably be encouraged to emulate them.”

Also despite claiming to only oppose same-sex marriage, Brian Brown attended a conference of anti-gay groups in Moscow this month which called for lobbyists to attempt to introduce ‘gay propaganda’ laws across the world.

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