US: TV hosts fired for being homophobes compare themselves to ISIS beheading victims

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A pair of TV hosts who were fired when it emerged they were anti-gay activists have compared themselves to victims of ISIS.

David and Jason Benham were due to host house-flipping show “Flip it Forward”, but were dropped by HGTV in May after it emerged they were anti-gay activists.

In 2012, both the brothers led a ‘prayer’ rally outside the Democratic National Convention, intended to stop “homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation” and “demonic ideologies taking our universities and our public school systems”.

David Benham – who serves on the board of anti-gay group ‘the Coalition of Conscience’ – has also protested pride marches and abortion clinics, campaigned for North Carolina’s same-sex marriage ban, and compared same-sex marriage to Nazi Germany.

Speaking at the anti-gay Values Voter Summit this week, the Benhams compared their experience of being dropped to the people beheaded by ISIS.

The pair said: “[Jesus] is going a cross and he’s asking you to come follow him. We got that experience in real life when we got fired in front of a watching world.

“There is a radical agenda that has come in our nation… the weapon of choice for the agenda in the Middle East is a sword, but the weapon of choice for the agenda in America is silence.

“They demand silence. It’s one thing to believe in Jesus, it’s another to be vocal about Jesus and his standards and his word.

“We are watching over in the Middle East right now. ISIS is filled with rage. They are empowered by a demonic, bloodthirsty spirit that needs to be confronted and dealt with.

“It’s time that God’s spiritual leaders see the plot to silence the believe of Christians in this nation – thank god it’s not through a sword, it’s just in the form of silence.”

Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch below:

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