Poll: 60% of Tory councillors say David Cameron was wrong to legalise gay marriage

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A poll of more than 1,000 Conservative councillors has found 60% disagree with David Cameron’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage – with one councillor suggesting the PM has played “God” over the issue.

Only 31% of Tory councillors surveyed felt it was the right thing to do – and 9% were not sure.

The poll was conducted by ComRes for the BBC’s Sunday Politics programme.

Vicky Vaughan, a Conservative councillor in the West Sussex town of Worthing, said same-sex marriage had “damaged” her party.

“[Same-sex marriage] has really been an issue in Worthing. I think it might have damaged our party slightly”.

Councillor Vaughan said changing the law had amounted to a “one size fits all” policy, provoking religious Tory supporters.

“It’s almost like trying to play God [in order] to make that decision,” she added.

Last night, David Cameron defended Parliament’s 2013 decision to legalise same-sex marriage in England and Wales, saying: “I think men should be able to marry each other and women should be able to marry each other”.

The Tory leader made the comments while being grilled on a number of hypothetical scenarios by Newsnight host Evan Davis, who is in a civil partnership.

The broadcaster asked him: “You’re in a public park, and two men – recently married – are kissing each other. Is that sweet, or is that mildly inappropriate?”

Mr Cameron replied: “No, that’s fine! I’ve been very clear about this.

“I believe in traditional and modern values, I believe in the family, I believe in marriage. I think it’s such a great institution, I think men should be able to marry each other and women should be able to marry each other.

“If I can kiss my wife in public, I don’t see why you can’t kiss your husband in public.”

In 2011, David Cameron told the Conservative Party conference that “it shouldn’t matter whether commitment was between a man and a woman, a man and another man or a woman and a woman.”

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