UK: Two women subjected to anti-gay abuse in pub garden during Leicester Pride

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Police in Leicester are investigating an incident in which two women were subjected to homophobic abuse as they sat together in a pub garden during the city’s Pride event.

According to Leicester Mercury, the victims, aged 29 and 34, were reportedly targeted in the Old Horse, in London Road.

They told police a middle-aged woman made offensive and upsetting homophobic remarks to them as they sat with family and friends in the pub’s garden.

The incident happened at 6:45pm on Saturday, August 30, as the city’s Pride festival took place across the road from the pub in Victoria Park.

The suspect, who was sitting at a table in the garden with a man, is white, 45 to 50 and has shoulder-length, blonde curly hair. She was wearing a light-coloured top.

Police Constable Charlotte King, who is investigating the incident, said: “This was an upsetting incident which caused distress to the victims.

“While extensive inquiries have been carried out by officers to identify the person responsible, we are appealing for witnesses as the incident took place on the evening of the Pride Festival, which may jog someone’s memory.

“If you were in the Old Horse public house at the time of the incident or you think you know who the suspect is, it is not too late to come forward.”

Witnesses can contact PC King on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.

Last week, police in Leicester said they did not intend to take any action against a man distributing anti-gay leaflets because the act was considered “not a criminal offence”.

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