Lena Dunham: I don’t want to marry until my gay sister can in all 50 states

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Girls creator Lena Dunham has said she wouldn’t feel comfortable marrying her boyfriend until same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states.

The actress, who is dating fun. singer Jack Antonoff, told radio host Howard Stern that she still doesn’t plan to marry until gays can marry across the US.

She said: “We’re not against marriage but I wanna wait until it’s something – my sister’s gay and it just doesn’t feel good to me to do something she can’t do. She can do it in some places but not all places.”

The creator last year denied getting engaged with Antonoff, despite wearing a diamond ring, claiming she would remain unmarried until same-sex marriage is law everywhere.

Last month the Girls creator announced she is working on a documentary series about a suit-maker that caters to the transgender community.

The star is producing the HBO show, titled Three Suits, about New York tailor Bindle & Keep, which has earned a reputation for serving New York’s genderqueer and transgender community, due to its trans-friendly approach.

Dunham tweeted: “So excited about this doc [Girls writer Jenni Konner] and I are producing! Bindle & Keep: breaking down binaries, making smart suits.”


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