New UK stats find 1.6% of adults identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual

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New figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that 1.6% of UK residents identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.

The statistics, taken from the 2013 Integrated Household Survey, revealed the area with the highest concentration of people who identify as gay or bisexual.

It found that 1.6% of UK adults aged 16 or over gave their sexual identity as lesbian, gay or bisexual.


In 2013, men were twice as likely as women to state their sexual identity as gay or lesbian


3.2% of London residents aged 16+ identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual in 2013, the highest percentage across all areas of the UK


The survey asked 180,000 UK adults about their self-perceived sexual identity. 5.4% refused to answer the question about sexuality.

The ONS last year said the number of same-sex couples living together in the UK had increased by almost a third since 2012, and that the number of same-sex couples bringing up children had increased by 8%.

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