Top London University to investigate ‘homophobic’ rugby club leaflets

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A top London university is investigating complaints that its rugby club distributed leaflets at a Freshers’ Fair containing homophobic and misogynistic language.

The leaflets were given out by the London School of Economics (LSE) men’s rugby team last week.

As well as making offensive remarks about other nearby universities, the leaflets described members of female sports teams as “beast-like women who play sport just so they can come out with us on Wednesdays”.

LSE Leaflet 2

In a section about social activities, the leaflet specified: “We do not tolerate Poly activities that involve faeces, genetalia and outright homosexual debauchery.”

In other sections, women were described as “sloppy birds”, “slags” and “mingers”.

The leaflets caused a storm of controversy on social media, with many accusing the rugby team of being sexist and homophobic.

After it came to light, LSE released a statement saying: “This investigation will be thorough. It will hear from both individuals that complained and the club itself. This will allow us to determine any appropriate action.

“We are also working with the School as they have received a wide number of complaints. We are committed to our equal opportunities policy and safeguarding our members. However, further comment won’t be provided until the investigation has been completed in order to keep our processes as robust as possible.”

The rugby club on Monday published an apology in the university’s paper the Beaver, admitting the “offensive and stigmatising language”, and saying that it did not reflect the values of the club.

“LSE Men’s Rugby does not tolerate misogyny, racism, homophobia or prejudice of any description and the Club remains committed to the LSE’s equal opportunities policy.

“Clearly, on this occasion we not only failed ourselves, but the university which we are so proud to represent.

“We can see that the language used in that leaflet must have alienated many potential members and we are ashamed and saddened by that.”

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