Anti-gay marriage leader: I am now David and same-sex marriage is Goliath

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The leader of a group adamantly opposed to same-sex marriage has now described himself as David, and the proponents of same-sex marriage as Goliath.

Brian Brown, the leader of the National Organisation for Marriage (NOM), has described the campaign for equal marriage in the US as the Biblical story of David versus Goliath; David, the anti-gay groups up against their main “foe” Goliath – pro-gay groups.

11 new states are rolling out same-sex marriage laws after the Supreme Court declined to take up the issue on Monday, deferring back to appeals court rulings in favour of gay and lesbian couples’ right to marry. A majority of 30 states now currently endorse equal marriage.

A negative response consequently came on behalf of President of the National Organisation for Marriage (NOM), Brian Brown who expressed his disappointment regarding the Republican’s failure to “stop the spread of gay marriage nationwide”. In an exclusive interview with NBC, he called the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear any of the gay marriage cases this term as “disappointing and puzzling”.

He posed the threat that the Republicans will be, “re-doubling our efforts to fight for a U.S. constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and woman”, claiming that the form of government is “at stake”.

Brown claimed that the current same-sex marriage situation is the story of David and Goliath is in reverse, with Goliath as pro-gay rights groups and David the anti. He said, “Right now I think folks who look at this issue and think that NOM or any of the groups out there supporting the traditional definition of marriage, that we’re the Goliath, and the pro-gay marriage Human Rights Campaign [NOM’s main foe] is the David — they’ve got the story in reverse. They are one organization among a whole platter of organizations like Freedom to Marry, GLAAD and all of these other groups that have almost unlimited access to the media and get their talking points across largely for free.

“But for us, it’s a lot more difficult and we’re up against a much bigger hurdle. I actually sort of relish that. It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s easier or harder or whether we have less money or more money. The real question is: are we standing up for the truth in marriage? And I’ve never had any question about that.”

He established NOM in 2007, an organisation that has held unsuccessful anti-gay rallies and $15k a ticket anti-gay fundraisers.

In September NOM announced it would be funding a campaign to block the election of openly gay Republican candidates – despite claiming to only oppose same-sex marriage.

The Republican admitted that NOM was suffering from a $2 million (£1.25 million) deficit – the largest number so far compared to previous years, and that the organisation only has 12 employees.

The Biblical account referred to by Brown sees Goliath, a giant Philistine warrior face defeat by the young David, the future king of Israel.

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