Free Church of Scotland leader hits back at critics who accuse him of anti-gay views

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Scotland’s Free Church moderator who warned that same-sex marriage will lead to “sexual confusion” has defended his anti-gay marriage views, saying he thinks homophobia is “irrational and immoral.”

Writing for KaleidoScot, Reverend David Robertson hit back at critics who accuse him of homophobia, saying he has always welcomed gay people into his church.

He wrote: “Homophobia is wrong and abhorrent. To ‘fear’ people because of their sexuality is irrational and immoral.

“I think I was the first minister in Scotland to speak out publicly against Putin’s persecution of homosexuals.”

The response came after he was named Free Church moderator earlier this month. Peter Tatchell had told Kaleidoscot: “It seems like an attempt by the Free Kirk to send a message to Christians in Scotland: if you don’t like what is happening in the Church of Scotland, leave and join us.”

Reverend Robertson said: “Was Peter Tatchell anti-LGBTI rights when he wrote an article in The Observer ten years ago condemning same sex marriage?”

However, he also maintained the position that marriage between one man and one woman is for “the good of society.”

“This is the position that Western Society has held and on which our culture has been based on for almost 2000 years,” he added.

“I object to being called homophobic just because I continue to hold to that view.”

The Church of Scotland has seen a number of congregations depart to the Free Church due to its more outspoken stance against gay clergy.

The minister said last year: “As the social and economic consequences of this fundamental change to the way our society is structured become increasingly clear, the debate about what marriage is and how society should be governed will continue.”

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