HRC condemns Kyrgyzstan for passing draft ‘gay propaganda’ law

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Kyrgyzstan has been condemned by the Human Rights Campaign, after a proposed ‘gay propaganda’ law passed its first reading in Parliament.

In June, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan’s Human Rights Committee approved the bill banning the dissemination of information “aimed at forming positive attitudes toward non-traditional sexual relations.”

Despite international outcry at the plans for the Russia-style law, the bill passed its first reading in Parliament by a vote of 79-7 today.

Human Rights Campaign’s Ty Cobb said: “Plain and simple, a law that aims to prohibit LGBT advocacy and prevent positive depictions of LGBT people is dangerous.

“It’s terrifying to see Kyrgyzstan following in the footsteps of Russia.

“The United States and international organizations must not look the other way while LGBT people in Eurasia are dangerously being marginalized with new laws that replicate the ill-advised policies of President Putin.

“The evidence is clear: state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia in Russia has posed a direct threat to the safety and welfare of LGBT Russians, and countries passing copycat legislation are similarly endangering their LGBT citizens

“This further highlights the need for a coordinated US response to these kinds of laws.

“While the US responded strongly to the law passed in Uganda earlier this year, we need to see similar actions when other countries enact laws that violate the human rights of LGBT people.”

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