Shia LaBeouf: I was arrested in a theatre because Alan Cumming is too sexy

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Troubled actor Shia LaBeouf has blamed his arrest in a New York theatre on Alan Cumming being “sexy”.

The Transformers star was arrested for disorderly conduct in a theatre in June, after allegedly disrupting a performance of Cabaret – in which bisexual actor Alan Cumming stars as the Emcee – and referring to a police officer as a “fag”.

However, he has now blamed the entire incident on Alan Cumming’s leather trousers.

Speaking to Jimmy Kemmel, he recounted of the incident: “Alan Cumming walks past me and all I’m thinking about are his leather pants and him winking at me, and he walks past me and I give him a slap on the ass cause I think he deserves it, and he’s seducing me, I mean he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

“And I just don’t slap and slap but I slapped and grabbed him. I grabbed the whole cheek cause I wanted the party right here in my pants.

“I wanted to grab the whole party. He finds a way to wiggle out of my Hercules grip…we get to intermission and somebody says ‘there’s another party outside’.

“And I see six cops having their own party. Anyways, they wanted to take me to the station.”

The actor entered rehab following the bizarre incident.

Watch the interview below:

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