Batman finally asked ‘Are you gay’?

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Batman has finally been asked the question that everyone was thinking.

The vigilante was asked the question in a new DC comic series, Multiversity: The Just #1, which is set in a world where superheroes are no longer needed, and are treated like celebrities.

Damian Wayne – the son of Bruce Wayne, who has taken on the identity of Batman – is taunted by Alexis Luthor, the daughter of villain Lex Luthor.

She questions his relationship with Chris Kent – the son of Superman – asking: “Is Batman gay? Why don’t you and Chris finally admit you love one another, Batman?”

Batman finally asked ‘Are you gay’?
Batman finally asked ‘Are you gay’?
Batman finally asked ‘Are you gay’?

The series is written by Grant Morrison, who admitted in 2012 that Batman is “sexually deviant”, adding: “Gayness is built into Batman… I’m not using gay in the pejorative sense, but Batman is very, very gay. There’s just no denying it.”

Batman shies away from answering the question, however, replying: “You just like offending people, don’t you? Nobody cares about anything anymore.”

Batman finally asked ‘Are you gay’?
Batman finally asked ‘Are you gay’?

His answer gets a bit meta when he continues: “When did hipsters get into superhero books? Real life is much more interesting than any of that fictitious crap.”

The superhero’s sexuality has been questioned for years, with George Clooney admitting he played Batman as a gay character in flop film ‘Batman and Robin’.

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