No, actor Paul Rudd didn’t help stop a gay-basher at a Dallas airport

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Update: Sadly, Paul Rudd’s spokesperson has denied the actor was involved in the incident.

Original story:

Anchorman star Paul Rudd is rumoured to be one of the people caught on video tackling a homophobe who lashed out at “queers” in a Dallas airport.

The clip, which surfaced online over the weekend, was filmed in Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, and shows a man in a white t-shirt – bellowing anti-gay slurs at a fellow passenger.

He screams: “Queers is what I’m upset about. This faggot right here. Shove it up your a**, man, see how that feels, you might get tickled. F***ing queer.”

He then attempts to kick and punch the man he directed the slurs at – but a number of bystanders rush to intervene, tackling him to the ground almost immediately.

However, according to some internet theorists – one of the men stopping the attack is none other than Hollywood star Paul Rudd.

Thanks to Twitter sleuthing, a user tracked down someone who had met Mr Rudd on a flight the same day – and confirmed his clothing matched the man’s in the video.

No, actor Paul Rudd didn’t help stop a gay-basher at a Dallas airport

It’s definitely not proof that the future Ant-Man star is already moonlighting as a homophobe-busting superhero – but it certainly raises the question.

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