The Westboro Baptist Church just filed a bizarre legal brief to halt equal marriage

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The Westboro Baptist Church has filed a strange legal brief in the state of Kansas, demanding the right to challenge equal marriage.

The anti-gay hate group are known for their ‘God Hates Fags’ banners and picketing funerals – and are not usually associated with lawsuits.

The Washington Blade uncovered the bizarre legal brief, filed yesterday, which is peppered with warnings of damnation.

The Church argues in its brief: “[WBC] has had a highly conspicuous public testimony against the proud ruinous sins of this generation; including a nearly 25-year street ministry, engaging the state, nation and world in a robust debate about its policies of sin.”

“WBC has a vital interest in what the courts rule regarding this issue, as it directly impacts their religious practices, beliefs, preachments, picketing, association and speech, as well as the wellbeing of their fellow man.”

“If this Court requires Kansas officials to treat what God has called abominable as something to be respected, revered, and blessed with the seal-of-approval of the government, that will cross a final line with God.

“The harm that will befall this state, when the condign destructive wrath of God pours out on Kansans is the ultimate harm to the health, welfare and safety of the people.

“The description of the utter annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah and three nearby cities is stark, and directly tied to homosexuality.

“This historical event described in Genesis 19:1-28, Holy Bible, must be considered at this hour, in all its graphic glory, and can be found at Addendum 2 for ready reference.

“Homosexuality is destructive in every way, to the individual and to the nation.

“Government should not put its seal of approval on that unholy union by issuing a marriage license. Government’s interest is in doing the opposite, for the good of the people and the nation.”

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