Someone actually made a Michael Gove sex toy

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An enterprising designer has created a sex toy featuring the likeness of Tory chief whip Michael Gove.

Someone actually made a Michael Gove sex toy

Etsy user ‘ToryLoveTunnel’ created the custom fleshlight – designed to simulate real sex when a penis is inserted – based on the former Education Minister.

Marketing at £19.99, the product will no doubt prove popular with teachers. It comes in two different flesh colours – Human pink and Illuminati Lizard Green.

The description reads: “This is a hand crafted ‘fleshlite’ device, for the discerning gentleman about town, country or parliament.

“Relax and slip into the Michael Gove Fleshlite. Whip your whip into the Chief Whip today!”

(h/t UsVsTh3m)

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