The Sun puts naked men on Page 3 for first time

PinkNews logo surrounded by illustrated images including a rainbow, unicorn, PN sign and pride flag.

The Sun newspaper has replaced its usual Page 3 girl with a spread of naked men – but for one day only.

The tabloid – which has been under increasing pressure to ditch the topless section – replaced it today with a two-page naked spread featuring West Ham football club.

The ‘Feel ’em Friday’ campaign is aimed to raise awareness of testicular cancer, as part of Movember.

The paper’s editor David Dinsmore said: “Movember is a great campaign with a sense of fun and innovation that chimes perfectly with The Sun’s values.

“We’re very happy to be partnering with the Movember Foundation to spread the word about checking for testicular cancer in the way we have done with breast cancer and Coppafeel! to great success.”

However, not everyone is happy with the stunt.

No More Page 3 – the campaign which aims to stop “soft porn” in newspapers – tweeted: “While it’s lovely @TheSunNewspaper is trying equality, we still think neither objectification nor cancer are sexy!”

The newspaper trialled a ‘Page 7 Fella’ in the 1980s, but the move never caught on.

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