Anti-gay activist: Republicans won the midterm elections because of our prayers

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

An American Family Association activist has claimed the power of prayer is responsible for Republicans winning the midterm elections.

Bryan Fischer, the ‘Director of Issues Analysis’ for the anti-gay group, collaborated with a number of other right-wing groups to rally against an anti-discrimination law in Houston, Texas last week.

Speaking on his Focal Point show, after Republicans gained control of the Senate in this week’s midterm elections, he claimed the victory was down to prayer at the homophobic rally.

He said: “It occurred to me last night, a good part of Sunday night was a lot of these pastors in Houston and a lot of people all around the country kneeling in prayer on the floor of that auditorium, repenting of sins, seeking God for forgiveness for ourselves and for this

“land. And then, on Tuesday, we have this dramatic victory. I’ve got to believe there’s a connection there.”

The American Family Association is listed as an active anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre.

Fischer claimed previously that President Obama was ordering every single Christian business owner in America to drop dead.

Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch:

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