Eastenders star ‘dumps boyfriend’ over gay S&M porn videos

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Newspapers are reporting that EastEnders actress Lorna Fitzgerald has broken up with her boyfriend, after discovering her sports therapist boyfriend in gay porn videos.

A number of tabloids carry reports about Keo Reid, 25, who is shown to be spanked and lashed by various items in a number of videos. In another video, an older man fellates him.

A source told The Sun newspaper: “Lorna’s absolutely distraught because she really loved Keo.

“But she’s only 18 and he’s quite a bit older than her, so this has been too much to take.

“After seeing the videos, she feels she can never go back. It’s any girlfriend’s worst nightmare.”

The videos, one of which shows him naked and being spanked by a mystery man, are available on a porn website which charges users £220 a year to watch in full.

A friend of Keo told The Mirror: “Keo just did these films as a bit of fun for good money. Although it features men, it’s not a gay thing….Keo is completely straight.”

The fetish punishment videos apparently show Keo being spanked for “wrongdoings” and the paper reports his first ever video was uploaded in 2012.

However, some have condemned reports for outing the 25-year-old, and the “biphobic” suggestion that a man can’t be interested in both women and men.

Lorna Fitzgerald and Keo Reid have so far refused to comment.

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