UKIP candidate caught ranting about ‘f***ing disgusting old poofters’

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A UKIP parliamentary candidate has been caught on tape ranting about disgusting “poofters” and “shooting peasants”.

Audio recording has been released by the Mail on Sunday of Kerry Smith – a senior UKIP member who is the party’s PPC in South Basildon and East Thurrock – making a series of seriously offensive comments.

At one point in the recording he rounded on Olly Neville – the former leader of UKIP’s youth wing, who was sacked for supporting gay rights – and the LGBTQ* in UKIP group.

He ranted: “Olly Neville – the sun shines out of his rear end. He’s now setting up BLT UKIP on Facebook.

“What the old poofters groups call themselves. I just call it a BLT like the sandwiches. It’s them letters BLT with a Q on the end, bacon, lettuce and tomato.

“It’s got our logo done with a rainbow. F**king loopy. That’s been approved by the NEC. That’s f**king disgusting.”

He also refers to a Chinese woman by a racial slur, makes false fraud allegations against party leader Nigel Farage, and jokes about “shooting peasants”.

In a statement released through UKIP’s official spokesperson, Mr Smith said: “I wish to issue a wholehearted and unreserved apology to those who I have offended within the party and anyone else.

“With regards to the leadership and management of the party I was completely wrong and my comments were fuelled by frustrations.

“At the time of this recording I was considering my resignation due to major management changes which I have since discovered I completely misread and misunderstood.

“For the record I was also on a strong morphine based prescription medication for a back injury.”

According to the Independent, the party is unlikely to sack Mr Smith as the candidate in South Basildon and East Thurrock over the incident.

LGBTQ* in UKIP have not issued a statement about the rant.

Listen to the clips below:

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