Derren Brown hit back at this homophobe in the best way

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Famed magician Derren Brown responded to a string of homophobic tweets in an amazing way.

Apparently one Twitter follower of the TV star had been unaware that he is gay, and talks openly about his sexuality.

Getting a fright, user @HossamAlyyy took to the microblogging site to call him a “faggot”, “sick”, and to let Brown know that he is “embarrassed” that he is gay.


Apparently seeing the funny side, Brown responded, saying: “I’m very flattered you’re attracted to me (if I read between the lines correctly) but I’m not looking for a bf right now x”.

Earlier this year the TV illusionist said he believes that people worry too much about coming out.

In 2011, Brown revealed he “flirted” with a church that tries to cure gay people.

The magician said that before he came out in 2008, he spent time with the Living Waters movement, which offers healing to those with “same-sex attraction”.

In a PinkNews interview earlier this year, Brown said: “It’s so important to come out, because for those of us lucky to be in this part of the world it is usually such a non-event, but feels such a disproportionately huge event when you’re not out.

“I came out really late, and it’s just not worth doing it that late, you miss a lot of time. So if you’re not, just do! It’s fine, it’s quite easy, once you start you can’t stop.”

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