Watch: Straight guys hold hands, discover homophobia exists

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Two straight radio presenters in Luton encountered shocking homophobia when they walked the streets holding hands.

BBC Three Counties DJ Iain Lee was “surprised and disappointed” by the reaction he received during the experiment, in which he walked the streets with fellow presenter Justin Dealey.



Mr Lee said: “On Wednesday’s show we spoke to a young gentleman who suffered homophobic abuse… he also let me know that quite often when he’s walking down the street holding his boyfriend’s hand, he gets abuse, he gets funny looks, he gets things shouted at him.

“For one day only – meet my boyfriend. We’re going to take a walk through Luton holding hands, and see if anything happens.”

After just ten minutes walking around the town, the pair recieve a number of dirty looks and comments.

When they challenge a man on his reaction, he calls the pair “disgusting”.

Another woman says: “I don’t like it in my face, to be honest”.

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