Republican site: Michael Sam and his ‘boy toy’ should go to Iraq and challenge ISIS

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A popular Republican website has claimed that NFL player Michael Sam and his fiancé should go to Iraq and confront ISIS.

The football star – who had brief spells with the St Louis Rams and the Dallas Cowboys – got engaged to Vito Cammisano that the pair actually got engaged in the heart of the Catholic church, on the roof of St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. – owned by Fox News pundit Erick Erickson – attacked the player for getting engaged.

A column on the site said: “After being cut from any number of professional football teams, Michael Sam, who as far was we can tell is famous for buggery and not making an NFL squad, decided to take up a new career path trolling Christians.

“He and his [whatever you what to call it] went to the Vatican where Michael Sam proposed that the two of them pretend like they are married. His proposal was accepted.

“In all seriousness, this is what many of us have pointed out about the ludicrous idea that homosexual marriage is anything but a publicity stunt.”

Referencing men who were recently executed by Islamic State militants for homosexuality, the article continues: “If Sam wanted to show real courage he and his pencil neck boy toy could have hopped a flight to Nineveh, Iraq, where he could have shown some real courage by standing up to people who really do care about homosexuality.”

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