Joe Biden gives shout out to his old ‘butt buddy’

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Gaffe-prone Vice President Joe Biden is looking for an old “butt buddy”.

The US politician – who is notorious for making embarrassing slips – baffled political reporters when he made the comments in a speech in Iowa.

Mr Biden made the remarks while speaking at Drake University in Des Moines.

He said: “Neal Smith, an old butt budy… are you here Neal?

“Neal, I miss you man. I miss you.”

Despite some interpretations, the uncommon expression is actually used to refer to two close friends – and is definitely not a reference to anal sex.

Mr Smith, now 94, served in the House of Representatives while Mr Biden was in the Senate.

Joe Biden has not ruled out a run for President in 201t6 – though he is a long way behind presumed Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton.

Biden famously forced Barack Obama’s hand on same-sex marriage – by accidentally backing it himself in May 2012, while Obama was still said to be ‘evolving’ on the issue.

A book last year claimed that “chaos erupted inside the West Wing” after news of Biden’s interviews – and within days Obama had also come out in favour of same-sex marriage.

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