Gay couple allowed to marry in Texas under one-time order

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A gay couples in the US state of Texas have been allowed to marry despite a state-wide ban on same-sex marriage.

The couple, Suzanne Bryant and Sarah Goodfriend. who married in Austin, were allowed to marry for medical reasons, and a rabbi preceded over the ceremony, after the marriage licence was issued.

Ginny Ballard, a spokeswoman for Travis county said the marriage took place on Thursday, but there was a question over whether the marriage licence had legal standing, reports the Associated Press.

The couple, who were described by officials as “medically fragile”, were allowed to marry after a state district court ordered that officials should not rely on the unconstitutional ban on same-sex marriage in the state.

The state of Texas’ same-sex marriage ban was found unconstitutional last year, but the judge issuing the ruling stayed it, in order to facilitate a state appeal.

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