Comment: LGBT+ Lib Dems welcome new ‘revenge porn’ laws

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Dave Page, the Chair of LGBT+ Liberal Democrats, hails the introduction of laws criminalising ‘revenge porn’.

As demonstrated so powerfully on last week’s ‘Banana’, revenge porn – publishing private, intimate pictures more widely without the consent of the subject – is something which can ruin lives.

Until recently, the law was not sufficient to prosecute people behind this.

Following a campaign started by Lib Dem activist Hannah Thompson, legislative amendments have been moved in the Lords by Lib Dem peers including LGBT+ Lib Dems’ co-President Liz Barker, and Lib Dem party President Sal Brinton, and championed in the Commons by Julian Huppert MP. “Publication of Private Sexual Images” will be a criminal offence from this Spring.

The Internet, texting, photos and video clips are part of people’s day-to-day lives and it’s no different when it comes to dating and relationships.

This can be particularly true for LGBT+ people, especially in places with no established “scenes” or those who are at the rarer ends of that acronym.

And in our case, revenge porn might not just mean embarrassment and humiliation – it can mean outing as well, which still a huge danger for many people in the UK, particularly trans people.

I am glad that not only have these Lib Dem amendments become law, but there’s also more support for victims – a confidential helpine has been set up, and the Ministry of Justice has released clear guidance on what to do if your images are shared without your permission.

Combined with the Lib Dems’ support for mandatory, inclusive education on sex and relationships, we are building a fairer society where consent is respected.

Dave Page is Chair of LGBT+ Liberal Democrats

As with all opinion, this does not necessarily reflect the views of PinkNews.

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