Watch: New documentary goes inside gay conversion therapy retreat

VICE have filmed a new three part series investigating gay conversion therapy- the practice of ‘turning’ gay people straight.

VICE have released the first part in a three part documentary series investigating gay conversion therapy.

Watch the first episode below:

The documentary features interviews with the doctors and counsellors practising the ‘therapy’, former leaders of the Ex-Gay movement who are now embracing their same-sex attraction, and survivors of conversion therapy.

Joseph Nicolosi PHD, a licensed clinical psychologist and advocate of conversion therapy says: “Everyone is homosexual. The idea that some people are naturally homosexual, or naturally gay, is a social construct.”

The episode is set inside the Journey Into Manhood programme, a retreat that charges men over $600 (£387) to partake in exercises and activities that staff members claim will help battle their same sex-orientation.

Gay conversion therapy is a topical issue in the US right now, only recently a New Jersey Judge ruled it “consumer fraud” to advertise a cure for homosexuality.

Currently, it is only a illegal in two US states, with Iowa looking like it will become the third state to make the practice a crime.

The series, which is part of VICE’s Profiles project, will air two more episodes on February 26 and 27 in which the film-makers travel to the annual Gay Christian Network Conference, speak with Former Ex-Gay leaders and hear the stories of the people who have gone through conversion therapy.

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