Homosexuals in all areas undermining marriage: UKIP Shipping Forecast returns

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A new ‘UKIP Shipping Forecast’ has been released, mocking some of the party’s homophobic candidates.

Actor, author and Dalek operator Nicholas Pegg originally recorded a spoof of the Radio 4 Shipping Forecast last year, after then-UKIP councillor David Silvester claimed that same-sex marriage caused flooding.

The original clip went viral, receiving over 300,000 hits – and now Mr Pegg has revived the format to poke fun at the party again.

The new forecast references married MEP Roger Helmer – who was caught by a tabloid visiting a “sleazy” massage parlour after claiming homosexuality was not a lifestyle “worthy of equal respect”.

Also mocked is the party’s U-turn on plans to select former Christian party leader George Hargreaves, who claims gays should “repent and turn to Christ”.

UKIP reinstated their original candidate in Coventry South last month – after reportedly asking him to stand aside in favour of Mr Hargreaves.

Yesterday, UKIP MEP Janice Atkinson announced that a UKIP government would “not be having a Minister for Women and Equalities”, to rapturous applause from party members.

It is unclear whether the plans mean the party would also entirely abolish the Government Equalities Office – which is responsible for policy on women, sexual orientation and transgender equality.


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