TV host: I cured a man’s homosexuality by buying him baseball tickets

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A Christian TV host has claimed that he once convinced a man to renounce his homosexuality – by offering him baseball tickets.

David and Jason Benham were dropped as hosts of HGTV series ‘Flip it Forward’ last year, after it emerged they were both radical anti-gay activists.

David Benham has previously compared same-sex marriage to Nazi Germany, protested against Pride marches, and warned that homosexuality is a “demonic ideology taking our universities and our public school systems”.

The anti-gay star claimed to the National Religious Broadcasters convention that he managed to convince a gay man who was initially outraged by the pair’s activism to renounce his sexuality.

According to the Blaze, David Benham said: “We had so many people from the gay community reaching out to us and one man in particular from the city of Chicago reached out and he said things to me that made me lose my appetite.

“But I simply responded in love. After a little conversation back and forth, I found out he loved baseball and I got him tickets to a Cubs game.

“He shot me a Facebook post and said, ‘I was not expecting that  and I’ve been thinking a lot about this. I’ve chosen to walk away from my lifestyle’.”

Incredibly, the story drew a round of applause from the audience at the conference.

Benham added later of the controversy: “Love filled our heart. We had absolutely no hatred. What God needs most is a simple voice for truth.”

The pair have previously compared their experience of being dropped to hostages beheaded by ISIS.


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