London: Thief uses Grindr to steal iPads and iPhones from men

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A thief who used Grindr to target men looking for sex and then stole from them has been jailed.

Oliver Walden, 30, used the hook-up app to fake sexual interest in at least two men before stealing their credit cards, iPads and IPhones, reports.

The 30-year-old initially denied theft against one victim, Emanuel Souza-Filho from Clapham, south London, but yesterday pleaded guilty on the first day of his trial at Blackfriars Crown Court.

Walden was jailed for 27 months.

Earlier this week, a 23-year-old man in Sydney was jailed for at least 17 months after he stole from men he met on Grindr.

In October last year, a gay man in Bayswater, west London, was lured into a meeting through the dating app and then robbed and threatened with a cattle prod.

The Metropolitan Police warned users to “stay safe” and be vigilant when using the apps.

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