Gay man opens up about using his mother as a surrogate to have a baby

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A mother has spoken about acting as the surrogate for her gay son, so that he could have a baby.

Kyle Casson, 27, was turned away from a number of surrogates because the law states only two parents can apply for a parental order – and out of desperation asked his mother for help instead.

Mr Casson’s son Miles – who is now eight months old – was created using his sperm along with an egg from an anonymous donor, implanted into Anne-Marie Casson, who is biologically the child’s grandmother.

This week the High Court ruled that Mr Casson could legally adopt the child.

Anne-Marie Casson told the Mail: “When he first came to me and his dad, I thought ‘I could do it’. Some people, when they did find out, said ‘urgh’, but they don’t understand.

“[Miles] is not biologically tied to me, other than he’s my grandson. I love being a parent and for Kyle to experience that, I would do that for him.”

Kyle Casson added: “I did not chose to be gay, I was born that way. I was born being unable to have kids. I can’t just go and have sex with a woman. Being a dad was a high priority in my life and now I have done it.

“I understand that not everyone will agree with it, but they can have their opinions.

“I have a son and I am very happy. As long as people can provide a home, and they have the support, I don’t see why anyone should be denied the right to be a parent.

“Regardless of sexuality, gender, as long as you can provide for the child, I don’t see what the problem is. I paid for it myself, it’s not taxpayers’ money, I own my own home, I am going back to work.

“I am never going to lie to him. We will tell him at appropriate stages in his life, you have to be truthful, there is no other way. He will also know that he is very much wanted.”

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