What was Kim Kardashian’s dress doing on an EastEnders market stall?

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An eagle-eyed viewer has spotted Kim Kardashian’s VMA dress for sale – on Kat Slater’s market stall in EastEnders.

During an episode of the soap that aired earlier this week, one of the dresses for sale on the market stall showed a striking resemblance to one worn by the reality star to last years VMA awards.

Viewer James Ockerby noticed the connection, tweeting a side-by-side comparison of the two dresses.

The reality star wore the distinctive designer dress – which has a plunging neckline and a red and black pattern – to the awards show last August.

Given the beaded Balmain Paris dress is priced at upwards of £11,000, it is unlikely to be found on a real market stall any time soon.

However, there are some noticeable differences between the Kardashian dress and the one seen in EastEnders – suggesting the latter is a low-cost imitation.

Kim Kardashian recently broke her family’s silence on rumours that step-parent Bruce Jenner will come out as transgender.

She told an interviewer: “Wee support Bruce no matter what, so we were just at his house hanging out and we wanted to take a picture, that was not like a secret message like, We support Bruce… Of course we support Bruce 100%.

“He’s our dad so we support him no matter what, and I think when the time is right, he’ll talk about whatever he wants to talk about. I just think it’s his story to talk about, not really mine.”

A male British make up artist recently revealed he had spent £100,000 on surgery and designer clothes in a bid to look like Kim Kardashian.

Jordan James Parke has had 50 lip-filling operations, eyebrow tattoos, Botox injections in several areas and undergone laser hair removal.

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