Glenn Beck: Ben Carson’s Presidential campaign is ‘over’ after gay prison sex comments

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Right-wing pundit Glenn Beck has declared that Ben Carson’s hopes of running for President are “over”, after he claimed prisons prove being gay is a choice.

Fox pundit Ben Carson, who was a rumoured Republican presidential candidate, said earlier this week that prisons prove being gay is “absolutely” a choice.

He said: “Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.”

However, radio host Glenn Beck was not impressed – and has claimed that Carson squandered any hopes of running for President with the remarks.

He said: “Goodbye to his presidential career. It’s over. It’s over. There is no way to recover from that.

“That just sounds like a lunatic… That is just a ridiculous statement on a million fronts. A ridiculous statement.

“It’s not just that he didn’t see [the question] coming.

“It’s that he just thought that was a good answer. That was good enough for him.

“Just [imagine] I’m at a cocktail party and I’m talking to a friend and they say ‘well yeah, you know, you go to prison and you’re straight, you get out and you’re gay’…

Don’t you look at your friend — I don’t care if he’s the guy who works at the 7-Eleven and he’s not running for president ever — don’t you go, ‘That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard’?”

Dr Carson  told listed hate group NOM last June that same-sex marriage is a “plot” conceived by the New World Order to impose communism.

Listen to Beck’s comments below via Right Wing Watch:

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