Texas Republicans elect Chair who threatened to cancel newspaper subscription over gay kiss

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The Texas Republican Party has elected a new chair – who previously threatened to cancel his subscription to his local newspaper, if they ever print a gay kiss.

Oil consultant Tom Mechler was elected to lead the Texas GOP this week, beating out stiff competition from a number of other candidates.

However, it has emerged that Mr Melcher wrote to the Amarillo Globe-News last March to both argue for free speech, and demand that the paper censor all same-sex kisses.

He wrote in part: “I’ve watched with dismay the controversy surrounding Amarillo Town Club’s family membership policy, which was placed prominently before our community by the Amarillo Globe-News on March 2 with its front-page article showing a picture of two angry-looking homosexual women.”

He continued: “We have gone way past the point of reason in the attack by homosexual activists and other liberals who want to manipulate society to serve their purpose.

“I know a lot of great people, and I’m sure I know many who have a different sexual preference than mine. I just don’t know who they are since I don’t ask them about their sexual preference. It is not relevant to my interaction with them.

“What I find troubling is the incredible attack that has been launched on free speech. I love this country, and as an American the Bill of Rights gives me the right to say what I please.”

“As a final note, if the Amarillo Globe-News ever publishes a picture of two men or two women kissing each other, I will cancel my subscription.”

Incredibly, Mr Melcher wasn’t the most anti-gay of the potential chairs – failed candidate Jared Woodfill is attempting to sue the Mayor of Houston over an equal rights law.

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