Report: Gay man stoned to death in Jamaica

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Video has emerged reportedly showing the bloodied body of a gay Jamaican man who it is claimed was stoned to death.

The video was uploaded and then removed from YouTube last week. Dwayne Brown, a Jamaican gay rights campaigner living in New York City, embedded the video on his blog Minority-Insight.

Mr Brown wrote: “Members of the Jamaican LGBT community are deeply sadden [sic] and heartbroken by the gruesome public execution of this young man in the streets of Jamaica.

“The video brought tears to my eyes and causes anger to permeate my heart.

“Many believe that all hopes for tolerance and respect for LGBT lives in Jamaica was shattered. Fear currently ripples through the entire community.”

In the video, which PinkNews has decided not to publish, the young man lies motionless and bloodstained on the ground.

Anti-gay slurs, including the phrase “batty man” are repeatedly shouted by a man off camera, along with homophobic chants from other members of the crowd.

Unconfirmed social media reports suggest the youth was stoned in Montego Bay and it is believed to have happened in the last few weeks.


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