Anti-gay lawmaker calls for Russia to boycott Eurovision

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Anti-gay Russian lawmaker Vitaly Milonov has called for Russia to boycott this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, due to champion Conchita Wurst.

Mr Milonov – who is a member of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia faction and was the architect of the ‘gay propaganda’ law – called for the country to drop out of the “degraded” contest.

Austrian drag diva Conchita Wurst took the crown last year, and will serve as a green room host for this year’s contest in May.

Russia selected entrant Polina Gagarina this week, who will perform the song ‘A Million Voices’.

However, Milonov told the Moscow Times: “I did not know she was to take part and I am not interested.

“In principle, I am against Russia taking part in this degraded European [competition].

“War and sanctions continue, it is not worth putting ourselves forward in front of those who are waging war against our country.”

Russia drew up plans to revive Soviet-era rival contest Intervision last year after Conchita’s win – but the plan was put on hold due to development problems.

Milonov labelled the contest the “Eurovision sodom show” after Wurst’s victory, saying: “Even just broadcasting the competition in Russia could insult millions of Russians.

“The participation of the obvious transvestite and hermaphrodite Conchita Wurst on the same stage as Russian singers on live television is blatant propaganda of homosexuality and spiritual decay.”

Russia has participated in Eurovision since 1994, and sent faux-lesbian pop duo t.A.T.u to the contest in 2003.

In 2013, Finnish entrant Krista Siegfrids performed the song ‘Marry Me’ in a wedding dress as a pro-equal marriage protest, kissing a female backing singer on-screen.

Watch a preview of Russia’s entry below:

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