Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson slams homophobic Twitter troll

(Photo: BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images)

Scottish Conservatives leader Ruth Davidson has slammed a Twitter troll for sending her homophobic abuse.

Ms Davidson, the UK’s most senior gay politician, was sent a tweet by @SparkyBhoyHH, which made obscene references to her sexuality.

The MSP replied saying: “Nice. Classy. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Bet she’s really proud of you… *blocked*.”

First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon condemned the abuse at her political rival, saying it was “unacceptable”.

The SNP’s Minister for Europe and International Development, Humza Yousaf, added: “Utterly disgraceful will investigate [sic] if member personally will push for expulsion. Zero-tolerance homophobia.”

The Scottish Tory leader posted a further message on Twitter this morning, saying: “I appear to have inspired great gallantry today. Thanks for all your messages. I call out a selection of the homophobic abuse I receive because people (esp. young people) need to know that they don’t have to just sit there and take it.

“It’s not OK. They can challenge it. Your responses to this mindless idiot shows social media can be a good place.”

In September last year, Ms Davidson was subjected to homophobic comments during a debate about Scottish independence.

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