Zoe Saldana: Boycotting Dolce and Gabbana is ‘the stupidest thing’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Actress Zoe Saldana has said that it would be “the stupidest thing” if she were to allow Dolce and Gabbana’s comments about ‘non-traditional families’ to affect her fashion.

Legendary fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana – who are gay themselves – whipped up a storm earlier last week when they lashed out at same-sex adoption, IVF and surrogacy – leading Sir Elton John to call for a boycott.

When asked about the boycott ahead of the GLAAD awards, the Guardians of the Galaxy star said: “No! Not at all, that would be the stupidest thing if it affected my fashion choice.

“People are allowed to their own opinion, however, I wouldn’t have chosen to be so public about something that’s such a personal thing.

“I’m certainly not going to stop wearing Dolce, and I’m certainly not going to be refuting when they are adopting synthetic children, however they wanted to say it. I do think things are lost in translation…

“My husband [Marco Perego] is from Italy and if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn’t be here today.

“It’s like ‘Look people, have a drink, relax, it’s okay’.

“Obviously it caused some sensitivity, but then again if you continue to follow the news, you see they all kinda hugged it out, so why are we making a big deal about it?”

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