Report questions HM Passport Office on lack of Gender X passports

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A report has been submitted by international law firm Clifford Chance to the HM Passport Office, which favours introducing gender ‘X’ passports in the UK.

The report was submitted by Clifford Chance on behalf of the Non-Gendered campaign.

It asks why passports with a non-specified gender, or gender X, have not already been introduced, and challenges the Government’s position on the basis of human rights and equality legislation.

The Non-Gendered campaign is run by Christie Elan-Cane, who calls for the UK to follow the steps of countries like Australia and New Zealand, where ‘X’ passports area already an option.

Narind Singh, partner leading the Clifford Chance team, comments: “Access to Justice is an integral part of Clifford Chance’s Corporate Responsibility strategy and the firm is proud to be supporting Christie’s Non-Gendered campaign on its pioneering mission to attain legitimate identity for non-gendered individuals.

“From working with Non-Gendered we have learnt that persons in this marginalised group are forced to conceal and deny their identities due to lack of societal provision. The impact of this is devastating and allowing X Passports would be a crucial step towards protecting their human rights.”

Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper last week at the PinkNews Debate pledged to consider introducing ‘Gender X’ passports – for people who aren’t male or female.

Tory Leader of the House of Lords Tina Stowell confirmed that the Conservatives will also examine the issue, and the Lib Dems and Greens both backed introducing the passports.

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