Anti-gay Duck Dynasty pastor delivers disturbing sermon about gruesome murder of atheists

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Homophobic Duck Dynasty preacher Phil Robertson has delivered a sermon about the graphic rape and murder of atheists.

The anti-gay reality star was suspended from the A&E reality show for less than two weeks in 2013, when he questioned in an interview to GQ why gay men would prefer “a man’s anus” over a vagina.

The show has since remained on the air – despite Robertson continuing to deliver homophobic sermons claiming that sexually transmitted infections are God’s punishment for gays, and that “biblically correct” sex is always safe.

However, in a sermon at the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfas this week, Robertson made possibly his most disturbing comments yet, exposed by Right Wing Watch.

Warning: the comments are of an extremely graphic nature.

Speaking in the sermon, he said: “I’ll make a bet with you.

“Two guys break into an atheist’s home. He has a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters. Two guys break into his home and tie him up in a chair and gag him.

“And then they take his two daughters in front of him and rape both of them and then shoot them… and they take his wife and then decapitate her head off in front of him.

“And then they can look at him and say, ‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged? Isn’t it great that there’s nothing wrong with this? There’s no right or wrong, now is it dude?’”

Slipping into second-person, Robertson ranted: “Then you take a sharp knife and take his manhood and hold it in front of him and say, ‘Wouldn’t it be something if there was something wrong with this?

“But you’re the one who says there is no God, there’s no right, there’s no wrong, so we’re just having fun. We’re sick in the head… have a nice day!’.

“If it happened to them, they probably would say ‘something about this just ain’t right’.”

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