Ed Miliband: I ‘blubbed’ when I watched Pride

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Ed Miliband has said that he ‘blubbed’ when he watched the film Pride.

The Labour leader revealed he is a fan of the 2014 film, which is about a group of gay and lesbian activists who rallied in support of striking miners in the 1980s.

When asked by Absolute Radio what the last film was he cried at, he said: “Pride.

“Pride is about the lesbian and gay community in London who go and help the miners in Wales and Justine and I watched it recently.

“I blubbed. I blubbed.”

Interestingly, it comes days after David Cameron said he had watched The Imitation Game – a film about gay codebreaking hero Alan Turing that went up against Pride during this year’s award season.

When asked to name an LGBT person he admired, Mr Cameron said: “Everyone says Alan Turing, and of course he was an amazing man and I’ve seen The Imitation Game and I thought it was brilliant, but I’m going to go with Clare Balding.”

The two films went head-to-head at a number of ceremonies – with The Imitation Game picking up an Academy Award.

Ed Miliband recently said he admires his opponent’s commitment to same-sex marriage.

He told Jeremy Paxman: “It was hard in his party, it was the right thing to do for his country.”

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