Submit your questions for Ed Miliband’s PinkNews readers’ Q&A

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Ahead of May’s election, Labour leader Ed Miliband has agreed to answer questions submitted by PinkNews readers.

To submit a question to Ed Miliband, please click here. Comments are disabled on this article as the only way to ask a question is via the form.

Before being elected Labour leader in 2010, Mr Miliband wrote for PinkNews calling for same-sex marriage to be introduced – and he led his party to support the Coalition’s Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act in 2013.

The Labour leader has also pledged to follow Barack Obama in appointing an LGBT rights envoy if elected in May, while his party has also made commitments to introducing statutory sex and relationship education.

Mr Miliband also plans to wipe the criminal convictions of men convicted of historic gay sex offences – after gay codebreaker Alan Turing was pardoned in 2013.

Questions recently closed for the PinkNews readers’ Q&A with David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Green Party leader Natalie Bennett. Their answers will be published soon.

To submit a question to Ed Miliband, please click here.



PinkNews election coverage is generously supported by KPMG.

Submit your questions for Ed Miliband’s PinkNews readers’ Q&A

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