Hate group begins ‘fasting’ tomorrow to defeat same-sex marriage at Supreme Court

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The anti-gay Family Research Council will begin a 21-day fast tomorrow, in order to thwart an expected ruling from the Supreme Court on same-sex marriage.

The US Supreme Court will next month hear arguments pertaining to same-sex marriage bans from four states, in a case that is tipped to bring equality to all 50 states.

Ahead of the hearings on April 28, listed anti-gay group the Family Research Council appears to be out of tangible ways to protest the move, and is encouraging people to “pray and fast”.

The group’s ‘Prayer Targets’ state: “[President] Tony Perkins is asking praying believers everywhere to pray and fast from April 7th till April 28th that God will intervene to guide our Supreme Court to protect, not destroy, natural marriage as the legal standard for our nation.

“He urges that we ‘pray up to the day of battle and go into that day with strength; praising God for the victory!’

“May hundreds of thousands, even millions, join us in prayer and fasting for the members of the Supreme Court; that God will move a strong majority of the Justices to reaffirm natural marriage and reject the idea of inventing any right to same-sex ‘marriage’ in the Constitution!”

Of course, just in case prayer doesn’t work, the group has also submitted a surreal legal brief to the Court.

The group’s brief warns of a slide towards incestuous and polygamous marriages if the court finds in favour of same-sex marriage.

It states: “could prohibitions of bigamous, polygamous and incestuous marriages (between related adults) withstand strict scrutiny review?

“Having abandoned the historical meaning of marriage and the imitations that have always and everywhere been placed on the right to marry, petitioners are unable to offer any principled rationale for limiting marriage to one spouse or to non-relatives.

It also warns: “Unlike the sexual activity of opposite-sex couples, the sexual activity of same-sex couples can never result in the procreation of children.

“Given the nature of marriage as it has been understood since colonial days, no right to same-sex marriage can be derived from ‘the Nation’s history, legal traditions, and practices’.”

(h/t Good As You)

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