This Canadian cop is fighting homophobia and looking good doing it

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Luke Wilson has asked Twitter to decide how long he keeps his new look.

In honour of International Day of Pink, which raises awareness of homophobia and transphobia, Toronto police officer Luke Wilson had his hair sprayed hot pink – then asked twitter to decide how long he kept it for. His initial target of 1000 retweets – meaning he had to keep it for a week – was reached in just two hours. Now, every extra hundred retweets means an extra day with his stand-out hair.

As of this afternoon, he’s reached 2,300 retweets.

Day of Pink was started by two straight Canadian students who wanted to show solidarity with a gay classmate who was being bullied for his pink shirt. While police rules ban pink hair, superior officers seem to be letting Officer Wilson’s hair slide, saying they “support the event”.

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