Republican interrupts a 10-year-old who was speaking against anti-gay bill

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A Florida Republican has shut down a ten-year-old boy, who was delivering a speech opposing a proposed anti-gay bill in the state.

Nathaniel Gill, who was unable to find a home until he was taken in by two loving fathers, was speaking against HB 7111, a proposed Republican bill that would allow adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples.

Speaking to the state’s House committee, he had spoken about his background, saying: “I was born in Miami.

“At the age of four months, my four year old brother was feeding me and changing my diapers. When he went to the neighbours begging for food for us, someone called DCF [Florida Department of Children and Families] and we were placed in foster care.

“I was lucky to be placed with my brother, he was all I had. In the home DCF placed us, we had two dads, and liked our new home a lot.”

However, Republican Chair Charles McBurney interrupted the pro-equality speech, telling the boy: “Mr Gill, you’re doing a great job, unfortunately your minute is up.”

As Chair, Mr Burney had the power to grant extra time or allow the child to finish speaking – but opted instead to tell him to stop.

Despite being silenced by the politician, Nathaniel did not give up – later re-recording the speech and releasing it via Equality Florida.

In it, he continues to talk about his two dads – who fought the state to prevent him being re-homed away from his brother. His parents also adopted a younger autistic boy, who had been unable to find a home.

He continues: “Discrimination won’t get more kids adopted – it will just make them end up in foster homes and group homes. Thank you.”

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