Nigel Farage challenged to a sword duel by Polish Prince

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Nigel Farage has been challenged to a sword duel in Hyde Park by Polish Prince John Zylinski over immigration comments.

Angered by Mr Farage’s recent ‘idiotic’ blaming of immigrants for traffic jams on the M40, Prince Zylinski has released a video asking the UKIP leader to meet him in Hyde Park to settle the issue “in a way that an 18th century Polish aristocrat and an English gentleman would traditionally do.

“I’ve had enough of discrimination against Polish people in this country,” the Prince told the Telegraph.

“The most idiotic example I have heard of this has been Mr Nigel Farage blaming migrants for traffic jams on the M40.”

Prince Zynlinski’s family settled in London during the second World War, after being chased from their native Poland. After growing increasingly infuriated by Mr Farage’s views, the Prince felt he had no other option than to speak up

Holding the sword that belonged to his war hero father, Andrew Zynlinski, who he claimed led a victorious cavalry charge against the Germans in 1939, Mr Zynlinski declared: “I’ve realised that now what I have to do is to stand up in defence of my people in this country in the UK.

“So what I’d like to do, Mr Farage, is to challenge you to a duel.

“I’m offering a duel, if you agree.

“Are you up for it, Mr Farage?

After acknowledging that getting Mr Farage to agree to a sword duel so close the General Election may be unlikely, Mr Zylinski offered a TV debate as an alternative way to settle his differences with the UKIP leader.

He said: “Alternatively, if you don’t agree, or if your sword is a little bit rusting, Mr Farage, we can meet for a different kind of duel – a duel of words in a TV studio in the run-up to the election.

“I’m up for it, it would be really nice – hopefully you will agree.”

Mr Farage has since refused the Prince’s offer. “I’m not intending to accept the offer,” the UKIP leader said, joking: “I’ve been trying to keep violence out of the election.”

Earlier today, PinkNews revealed UKIP’s refusal to condemn candidate Alan Craig, who plans to speak at an upcoming ‘gay cure’ event.

Mr Farage has previously said foreigners with HIV should not be treated on the NHS.

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