Camden Council ‘very concerned’ by closure of historic Black Cap gay pub

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The Leader of Camden Council has said she is “very concerned” than an iconic gay pub has been shut down.

The Black Cap pub in London’s Camden closed its doors this week after a battle over a proposed redevelopment which lasted several months.

Despite having successfully applied to be recognised as an asset of community value just last Wednesday, the historic cabaret venue’s owners, Faucet Inn, closed its doors on April 12.

The Leader of Camden Council, Sarah Hayward, said in a statement to the Camden LGBT Forum: “We’re very concerned by the closure of the Black Cap

“The pub has operated continuously as a gay venue since before homosexuality [was] legal and I’d urge Faucet to take a long hard think about summarily ripping up half a century of history.

“Moreover the venue is still needed. Our LGBT community continues to experience discrimination and The Black Cap provides a safe haven and a place for the community to come together.

“If Faucet are reading this, then I’d urge them to meet to discuss their plans and how we can ensure there is a future of this historic and important venue.”

Faucet Inn said: “Faucet Inn Limited regrets to announce that it is no longer able to operate The Black Cap in Camden, London; a site it has operated on behalf of the freeholder for the last five years.

“The building which was exchanged by the freeholder in December last year will complete imminently which has meant the site has had to be closed as of today. The building had been the subject of a planning permission application request to convert the upper floors which was subsequently rejected by the council.

“Faucet Inn thanks its loyal customers over the time it has operated the site and regrets the impact on the LGBTQI community of the closure of the venue.

“This historical venue has long been recognised as an important part of the LGBTQI community and its significant contribution to many performers on the London and international cabaret circuit.”

Nigel Harris of Camden LGBT Forum said: “As soon as Camden LGBT Forum discovers who the new owners are it will attempt to meet with them to discuss their plans.

“Then I will call on our residents to write to the owners expressing their desires for the Black Cap to continue in its true glory as a going concern.

“Please be assured we are in constant contact with Camden Council whom I am assured have no desire to see the venue vanish from our community.”

A number of London’s iconic gay venues have closed their doors in the past year.

Drag and cabaret venue Madame JoJo’s closed its doors in November, after its license was revoked following a serious incident.

Manbar also shut down in January, while The Green Carnation announced it will close to make way for a new venue.

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