Laverne Cox poses nude

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The out trans star said she hoped her naked photo shoot would be inspiring to other women.

She turned down the opportunity twice, before agreeing to appear naked for beauty magazine Allure. The magazines’ annual photo shoot has previously featured Naya Rivera, Minnie Driver and Eliza Dushku.

The Orange is the New Black actress said: “I’m a black transgender woman. I felt this could be really powerful for the communities that I represent.

“Black women are not often told that we’re beautiful unless we align with certain standards. Trans women certainly are not told we’re beautiful.

“Seeing a black transgender woman embracing and loving everything about herself might be inspiring to some other folks. There’s beauty in the things we think are imperfect.

“I honestly just want to make myself happy most, and if other people like it, then that’s great. If they don’t, then I’m still happy.”

Orange is the New Black was just renewed for a fourth season – before the third has even aired.

In March, Laverne Cox was named by AskMen magazine as one of its Top Most Outstanding Women. 

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