Photos show man accused by ISIS of being gay mid-fall from building

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WARNING: The content and imagery within this article is extremely disturbing.
Even more photos have been released of yet another man being pushed from a building by ISIS militants, accused of being gay.


One photo shows the man, captured by ISIS in Raqqa, Syria, mid-fall from the high building.

Eleven men are seen atop the building, one flying the black flag – the symbol of ISIS.

The man, accused of homosexuality, which is strictly forbidden under ISIS rules, is then stoned to death by a gang as he lies on the floor, defenceless.

More images show a man being whipped by ISIS for taking drugs and drinking alcohol.

Two men are beaten with their hands bound as a crowd looks on.

Scroll below for the third and fourth images which some readers my find disturbing.


Shocking photos of two men being hugged by their ISIS executioner before being stoned to death, accused of homosexuality, last month surfaced online.

A number of new images were released by ISIS earlier in April, which purported to show a man being stoned to death after being suspected of being gay, one of several in recent months.

In February ISIS released extremely graphic images of the execution of a man for being gay. After surviving a seven-storey drop, the man was stoned to death.

Back in January, the extremist group executed two men for being gay. The men were thrown from a tall building. Some of the images were too graphic to display on PinkNews.

ISIS last month released more images of yet another man being thrown from a building for being gay, however the man survives the fall, before being stoned to death.

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